Casting a satirical eye over the phenomenon of celebrity product endorsement Norman Gekko...uses the series title to caustically summarises the dynamic at play.
In this sphere, where the success of the product is so intrinsically intertwined with that of the celebutante, it is difficult to establish which party is using the other to enhance their status in the gullible eyes of media-hungry plebeians.
Kanye & Kim, 2019
Mixed media
50 x 45 cm
Petty prestige, 2019
Mixed media
35 x 45 cm
Petty prestige, 2019
Mixed media
30 x 45 cm
Katy P., 2019
Mixed media
50 x 45 cm
Beyonce and Jay Z, 2019
Mixed media
50 x 45 cm
Melania & Ivanka, 2019
Mixed media
35 x 50 cm
Emmanuel & Brigitte, 2019
Mixed media
50 x 45 cm
Justin & Jennifer, 2019
Mixed media
50 x 45 cm
David and Victoria, 2019
Mixed media
50 x 45 cm
Angelina and Brad, 2019
Mixed media
50 x 45 cm